(seb) Game Tournament: FIFA 16
The Commons : Gameroom
Date & Time
April 26, 2016, 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Come hang out with (seb) and join in on a FIFA tournament in the Gameroom!
We have ordered some amazing prizes such as a jersey and crown, hacky sack, quality soccer ball - and more! There a possibility that this event could even feature some delicious Falfels, but snacks are definitely a guarantee!
Rules will be posted soon as well as a link to sign up, for now, please check out the RSVP details below.
Please RSVP by clicking the "I Can Attend" to let us know you are coming!
For questions or concerns, please contact Charra Wudtee via Facebook or email atcwudtee1@umbc.edu! Thanks!
We hope to see you there!